Elder Adam Jensen

Elder Adam Jensen
2/2012 - 2/2014 Elder Adam Jensen

About Me

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Joao Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil
I have been called to serve the Lord in the Joao Pessoa, Brazil Mission. Joao Pessoa is in the NE region of Brazil and is the capital city of the state of Paraíba, it was founded in 1585. It is also known as "the city where the sun rises first". The nearest Temple is 75 miles away in Recife. Please follow me as I embark on the Lord's work love, serve and share His Gospel. Over the next two years 2/1012 -2/2014 You can write to me at: Elder Adam Jensen Brazil Joao Pessoa Mission Rua Deputado Jose Mariz, #515 Tambauzinho 58042 - 020 Joao Pessoa - PB Brazil. or email Elder Jensen at: adj1991@myldsmail.net

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My birthday...was good ...until


Adam Jensen (adj1991@myldsmail.net)
Mon 11/18/13 9:30 AM
Hello Everyone,

So this past week...

This past week was alright, not much happened. We had some people that said would go to church, but as always nobody went. There was a huge holiday on Friday, but when you have a holiday on Friday; it doesn’t end until Sunday night. Even the people that want to be baptized gave us excuses to not to go to church. Ridiculous!

My birthday was Sunday and Sunday night we went to a member’s house to have cake and joke around a little bit, it was really nice and I love this family, but it got ruined when another member showed up and at this time we were just passing a soccer ball back and forth like you do with a football you know. Well, he yelled at us and said that were huge slackers and that we weren’t keeping the Sabbath day holy and tried calling our President. Yeah - don’t like that member anymore!  We were there to help that family feel more needed and fortified within the church, and we were passing the ball around with her sons so that they can have the desire to be missionaries one day. But NO this member just had to come around and ruin everything! I left without saying anything because I didn’t want to get myself into trouble.  I do not like members that think that because they don’t do something on Sunday means that nobody can do it on Sunday! It’s the same stupid thing about caffeinated soda. WE CAN DRINK IT!  If you want to pass a ball around to make the time go by faster and to be more united as a family, then do it! Ugh things that just can ruin your day!  Also, I’ve noticed that when members say something we should try and ignore them, other members of the only true church should do the same. There is a reason we keep our opinions to ourselves sometimes!  Yeah the week was different but alright!  Oh and I will get online at 2 p.m. my time every time. I say this every week!

Yeah Jacob wrote. He told me that I have to bring back a type of juice for you guys, but I don’t even like this type of juice, the drinks he brought home are not that good. Something you really have to get used to, but nobody drinks it where I am at.  In the northeast, it’s not a common drink. I will bring back some good stuff for you. Things that you will actually use and enjoy. Hard to find but I’ve already got a small list going. So Jacob brought back chimarrão and guanará. Chimarrão is a lot better cold because you mix it with other fruity drinks. I will bring a drink back for you. Maybe you will like it. It’s a lot better with milk. Guanará is good, but it’s not the best. It’s a lot better freezing. Like just taken out of a below zero freezer… And hmmm… looks like I will work with Jacob and Ammon at the shop if it doesn’t work out at the high school.

Lunch was good today and the conversation was good. My companion is great…we support each other.

I am very happy for Kallie; I have no idea who her fiancé is. But I’m happy for her -about time!  Ha yeah - Ammon is excited for everyone to be back home.  

Thank you for all the help, especially with furniture and what not. I know I will need it later.

I will answer all the questions you want. I have to go now and I am sorry that I can’t write more until later. If I stayed another missionary will get upset, as there are not enough computers today, so I will wait and get back on in about in an hour or so. I love you and I will talk soon. So I will get back on in about an hour and 15 minutes.

These years are the best two years for my life. I have learned a lot that I will be able to apply in my life afterwards. I know that I wouldn’t have understood living simply and loving everything around you even when there is nothing like here in Brazil. Living up the moments. How to truly treat a person for who they are. Be blunt and how the gospel really blesses our lives. How we can stay on the path. How the lord helps us in mysterious ways. Everything that the life needs and more. I know what my priorities are.  But I am very happy that I had a childhood where it was mostly outside. Playing. Having fun. Getting scrapped up. Not wasting time with video games and sitting inside. I was blessed to be born when I was.

That said, when we go back to Disneyland, you can come too. It would be nice to have the whole family. You know something I never realized when we went to Disneyland. Is a picture in front of the castle? I have never realized it’s there. Never really seen it. And I was talking about the castle at Disneyland and yeah I was talking about Cinderella’s castle.

Sure I would like the big red tent. The top tarp doesn’t really work, but it’s a good thing that during college I bought a huge tarp, and yeah Dad put money in the account – thank you!

I can teach you some Portuguese until I come home. Oh I can tell you during the phone call at Christmas. Have you already put the lights up?

Today, my plans are basically nothing except for visiting a family that has a birthday today.

I need to go now. Love you and talk with you next week. I miss you a lot and I can’t wait to speak again

Well that’s all that happened,


elder adam jensen

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