We are as the Army of Helaman We have been taught in our youth And we will be the Lord's missionaries. To bring the world his truth. We have been saved for these latter days To build the kingdom in righteous ways. We hear the words our Prophet declares "Let each who's worthy go forth and serve" We are as the Army of Helaman We have been taught in our youth. And we will be the Lord's missionaries. To bring the world his truth.
About Me

- Elder Adam Dane-Philip Jensen
- Joao Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil
- I have been called to serve the Lord in the Joao Pessoa, Brazil Mission. Joao Pessoa is in the NE region of Brazil and is the capital city of the state of Paraíba, it was founded in 1585. It is also known as "the city where the sun rises first". The nearest Temple is 75 miles away in Recife. Please follow me as I embark on the Lord's work love, serve and share His Gospel. Over the next two years 2/1012 -2/2014 You can write to me at: Elder Adam Jensen Brazil Joao Pessoa Mission Rua Deputado Jose Mariz, #515 Tambauzinho 58042 - 020 Joao Pessoa - PB Brazil. or email Elder Jensen at: adj1991@myldsmail.net
Monday, January 28, 2013
A good Week and then comes Sunday!
Hello Everyone,
So this past week...
This past week was a good one. We finished our goals on Thursday or Friday I think, so to be honest Saturday and Sunday was a little more relaxing than usual. The only problem with it being relaxing is that no one went to church. We hoped for at least 6 because the people that we are teaching seem promising. But in the end there was nobody. So far this area seems to be difficult. I count the people each week as well. In my year as a missionary, I haven’t seen any more than 76 people at church on Sunday. It’s very sad when each ward or branch has 400 membership records.
I have to use different ideas to get people at church. it should be fun. Oh and this past week we met this awesome couple. Daniel and Camilla. they are very accepting and receptive. I knew they couldn’t come this Sunday because of travels, but they are fulfilling commitments and I am excited to teach and visit with them again.
I have not received any other mail, but that is also because our district changed, so the mail will not be coming each week. Well unless you send it to the Bishop’s address. I am happy that Emily finally got her letter - woo hoo she finally got it! I hope she liked the picture I sent. Lol.
I have written to every single person so far that has written me. I need to send 3 more letters today. One for you guys, the people that sent me a letter during the Christmas party and the Turners and Woodingtons. Those are the last ones I need to send. Nan should have gotten her letter by now.
I have not taken "the bomb" medicine yet. and also I don’t need anything else from the States at the moment. I am doing fine with everything...always to be honest. It’s a great blessing. Oh and I am sending a memory card home this week!
elder adam jensen
p.s. Oh and did you already get the package back? The one that got taxed and sent back? I hope that you do as that would completely suck it you didn’t. You never know maybe it’s still in the post office here because they forgot about it.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Conference this week
So this past week...
We had our conference this week, it was with Elder Mazzagardi who is a member of the area presidency. and also with Elder Christensen. Apparently, Elder Oaks couldn't come because he had a small surgery. But yeah they gave good talks and I learned a little. They never said if our mission will divide or not, so it probably won't happen until next year which is totally fine as I won't be here when it happens.
Well this past week also, we worked with some reference from a golden family. They are the only ones that give us references too. I think this next transfer we will mainly work with these references. Rafeal, Fernandas parents, Lina and Lina´s son are the references. I actually think that this transfer we could see them all following the path of Jesus Christ. I don't want to jinx it lol. Oh and this week already we have found two men that are wanting to follow the gospel, they had already been to church in the past which I never knew, but we marked their baptisms for the 3rd of Feb. I hope and pray that it happens and I will pray and work hard to make sure that it does! That's about it.
I was not transferred. Elder Martins is staying with me for this next one too. This transfer is only 4 weeks long, so the next time a transfer will happen will be Feb 20th. Oh and on the 20th of February, THIRTY new missionaries are arriving so I will most likely train a new missionary next transfer, which would be pretty nice. I think I am ready for it.
There are no rats in this new apartment, and I will send a SD card home this week or next. Oh and I get on with only one hour left to email. I have to write and email to the mission President, and then whatever time I have left is what I've got, so MORE letters please instead of emails from everyone!
I received the letters from the Turners and the Woodingtons. Please say a big thank you for me. It was very nice to receive their letters and packages!
I received the letters from the Turners and the Woodingtons. Please say a big thank you for me. It was very nice to receive their letters and packages!
elder adam jensen
p.s. Thank you about my debit card Dad, and Mom get better. Sean your already making the right choices so keep on keeping on!!
elder adam jensen
p.s. Thank you about my debit card Dad, and Mom get better. Sean your already making the right choices so keep on keeping on!!
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Slow week
From: Adam Jensen <adj1991@myldsmail.net>
Date: Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 10:42 AM
Hello Everyone!
So this past week,
Not much really happened actually. We worked with not much success and we didn’t baptize the children. Elder Martinis went to the house to get them to go to church with a member and he has been manipulated by the grandmother that he does not need to be baptized by authority and that the church is a bad influence, so that was a good note on Sunday. Also, in Sacrament meeting there were a whopping 70 people there! It’s sad when they have about 400 records in the ward. It looks like there is a lot of work to go around, but to be honest, nothing at all really happened. It was a kind of boring week.
On Tuesday we had our Zone meeting and afterwards I made a division with another Elder from my group. The Elder’s name is Elder Paul from Whidbey Island. He is pretty cool and we have been friends since the MTC, so it was nice to be with someone from home, but that’s about it.
Next week is transfer week.
elder adam jensen
p.s. Could you send me some taco powder and chili powder? You can send it to the Bishop’s address if I do not get tranferred next week on the 23rd.
Oh and btw my debit card says it’s invalid. Don’t know what happened.....??
While I am in this area, you can send the packages or letters to:
Elder Adam Jensen
Rua Tenente Gama Cabral, 210
Bairro Ipês
João Pessoa/PB
Monday, January 7, 2013
Best letter...
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2013 11:08:02 -0300
From: adj1991@myldsmail.net
Hello Everyone,
So this past week...
Has been super slow. I literally felt like I did nothing but we worked liked crazy. It’s really weird because to be honest, no one is progressing and no one is going to church. Nothing is happening here. The children were not baptized but Julho was confirmed so that’s a plus, but in the end nothing went the way we wanted it to. I think we will start a whole new teaching group this week because nothing is working out. We are starting the activities and hopefully with this we should have better results.
But this week I was happy as well because I received a letter from Abraão in Mossoró. He was recently baptized and he sent me a picture of his baptism, but he also put me into the picture next to him. He said on the back that he put me there because he felt like I was there by his side helping him the whole way. It was awesome to see he was baptized and that photo!! Oh and he also wrote this for me:
"dear elder jensen, I’m writing to tell you how I changed my life, and I will be grateful to you forever. Thank you for coming and making my world a better place. Today I have been blessed by the grace of the Holy Ghost and I am feeling the way I have never felt before. Today I have been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and now I am really feeling alive. Thanks for teaching me to know the truth about the church, because knowing that the Book of Mormon is true leads to the knowledge that Joseph Smith was called as a Prophet and that the Gospel of Jesus Christ was restored through him. You have been more than a missionary, you became a friend and I will never forget it. I hope you never forget as well, today more than ever I wished you were to see my baptism, but wherever you are, you will always be with me...brother. keep saving lives...you are the best, Abraão"
This letter was probably the happiest day of my mission. Just knowing that someone you taught truly understands and will stay firm in the church. He is a great person and I am thrilled that he was finally baptized. I know I wasn’t there, but it doesn’t matter, because I know that I did my job and through this work I gained an eternal friend.
The children were not baptized. I have no idea where the children are to be honest. but whenever they show up again we will baptize them.
Well I assume Sean would always say that he wants only me back home, because Sean and I don’t fight. I actually have patience! I already made a list for next Christmas. but not worry about it now. I will say it later in the year, but the stuff I would ask for...I would want it to stay home so that when I return it’s all there waiting for me lol.
Oh that sucks to be Emily, missing her plane. I hope that she didn’t worry. That was so nice of Bro. Isacksen with Nic too.
How are the Seahawks doing by the way? Next week I will tell you what letters I got or didn’t get.
Yes this year will be better, we all just need to do our part to make it that way.
I have not bought anything yet with the Christmas money. I think I will today and it will be a secret. Today we are going to pick up some mattresses for our house that are in the secretary’s office, other than that we are going to do nothing. I will look at mail today and see what is there waiting for me though.
Well that is all that has happened. But I got to go now and I love you so much.
Have a great week and I will talk to you next week.
elder adam jensen
Thursday, January 3, 2013
HAPPY 2013 - No Christmas Packages!
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2012 12:43:36 -0200
Subject: Re: Good Morning and Happy New Year!
From: adj1991@myldsmail.net
So this past week...
This past week was good, especially because I got to talk to all of you guys. On Christmas we only had a bbq lunch and I think a small dinner. today we will be eating at a members house and that’s about it. Also, we met all of our goals. Oh and we baptized. A man named Julho, a man of 30 something years. The baptism with Julho went very well and he seemed to be happy. But he won’t be confirmed until 2 weeks from now. He has to work next Sunday.
The children were not baptized, but it wasn’t our fault or the children’s fault. The children on Sunday morning before church the father went to the mother’s house and took them to another city so we couldn’t baptize them, and he wouldn’t answer his phone all day. He thinks that baptism won’t make an influence in the children’s lives. He is already baptized and all but really inactive and doesn’t like the church. But oh well. We will probably baptize them today or Sunday. Or maybe Saturday. The only reason we would baptize today is to reach the monthly goal of the mission and our zone. Thank you for the prayers. I am feeling and seeing every blessing I receive., and Julho was baptized.. the children will either be baptized today or this coming Sunday. The only reason we would baptize today is to reach our goal, so maybe we will.
I don’t know, I have been a little sad this past week because I just keep getting reminded of how no one does anything here. Like in the church or actually in parts of the world, you are a man when you are fulfilling your responsibilities, but here I am so tired of seeing weak men. I see it every day and I really can’t handle it. Yeah they work, but when they do, they’re only thinking of themselves. It’s sad and I want to help and see men become stronger, but it’s very hard when they just can’t find any motivation. I want them to learn the importance of it all. And I may not make them to drink the water but I can make them have desire to drink it. I want to do more than what this mission says. Just baptize is not the answer. Finishing the baptism and seeing them stay firm in the church is what I want. It’s what would make me feel happy. I love seeing baptisms in the church every Sunday. But I will keep doing my part and hopefully I will be able to see a lot of this on my mission. I love to help. Be that person that they need in their lives. With love and the Lord I know I will achieve this. Ha! Yep, only if everyone did their own part. Outside of the family. Like home teaching or being someone’s friend when no one else would. Being that uplifting spirit. Man just think of what the world would be like. Man I am excited for heaven lol, because always feeling happy sounds like a good thing lol ha-ha. but we got to do what we can to prepare for that moment. Yeah I sure hope so. I gotta do everything I can possibly do! It’s got to get better here - it just has to!
Well, with that said, I am doing two activities in the ward that I have started. One is F.H.E. with the youth. and something called "reference ships" it’s an activity where the ward has two teams and each team gives references for the missionaries. 5 points if a less active or a fallen away person. 10 points is a non-member reference and 100 points if the reference was baptized. the losing team has to prepare the ward dinner at the end of the month. I think we will do men vs. women. If the men lose then they have to prepare everything. including the food, it should be a good activity and each Sunday will show the points of each team. I hope that through these activities that people will do some part of missionary work. Well I have faith that it will work with time.
To one of your questions, there is fast food here but I really don’t like eating greasy food anymore. I feel really gross afterwards, like the oil and grease never went away after I had finished. They have like McDonalds, but I don’t eat there, no nothing is the same here as there. They have dessert pizzas here and are not even that good, they think that since it’s a pizza they have to put cheese on it. I am not a huge fan of cheese and chocolate together.
Also, I have access to public transportation. I use the bus, taxi´s and trains all the time.
I should be having mail more often now, that is if the other companionship in the house looks to get our mail. The actual closest area is João Pessoa. like Manaira shopping – a big shopping mall.
I didn’t get the package. The post office is closed today and President said I can only go on p-day and as the post office is closed today it will be returned back to the States. With each of the money, I have a little bit saved up. the rest of the money, I have used it on things that I am using or going to bring home with me. So it will be sent back. Sorry! Most likely I will not be able to get the package. I would love to see what’s in the package and I am sorry it didn’t work out the way it was supposed to. Apparently, no one can go for me because I have to use my ID. Maybe I will just save the money which was for the taxes for now or maybe I will buy another suit. I have to save it for now and when I decide I will buy it. All mail that the mission receives goes to #515. It’s the office, if any mail is stuck at the post office because of taxation then they don’t get it. They now let it get sent back because the mission doesn’t pay for things like that. I know that you sent the package before the new rules but I already got any extra mail that I received. This week and for Christmas it was Emily’s letter - do you know if she is going back to school? Because if so then I will just send it to her address at BYUI.
Anyways I have to go now,
with love,
elder adam jensen
Christmas Eve
December 24th, 2012
From: adj1991@myldsmail.net
So this past week....
We had some good lessons and some good people, but none of them went to church. At church we ended up having a young woman, and 3 primary children that are our investigators. It kind of sucked, but it’s all good in the end. Oh and had no baptisms!! But next Sunday we should be having 2 baptisms of primary children. Sabrina, 9 years and Filipe that is 10 years old. They are two really good children that love the church. It should be really good baptizing them.
This past week as well, we had a lesson with a man named Francisco who believes in everything but he is afraid of leaving his other church he has been at for 20 years. The spirit was really strong when we were talking with him, and in the end I just felt like I really needed to lay it into him that he needs to choose. He already believes and the spirit has already testified but he just won’t change, so I gave him the lesson about two masters and said we won’t go back there until he chooses. Well he didn’t go this Sunday, so I think he chose, or didn’t wake up. I’m hoping its more about waking up. Anyways, we have a lot of this here, people believing in everything, but not understanding the importance. We try to explain so hard, but it’s like something is blocking them from understanding. It sucks, but it’s just the things that happen on the mission.
So I didn’t receive the package or letters yet. I think I will get them on Wednesday when the other two elders I live with will go to the office and get our mail. I’m hoping and praying that I will be able to get everything safely and on Wednesday. Yeah and if anything is still in the package, like clothes, it’s usually not taxed if the tag is taken off and taken out of the packaging. But it’s all good. I will ask the secretary, and yeah we will see how much it is. and that would be nice. Thank you!!
Well I had to ask the lady for ten more minutes, and she said that’s cool. Maybe I will receive Emily’s letter before she leaves on her mission, but then as you’ve just told me that she hasn’t put her papers in and expects me to wait, she’d better start writing more LOL! It’s really weird having Christmas on the mission because you don’t even realize its Christmas only because it’s so hot and you tend to work a lot your mind really isn’t within the times.
Well john person means João Pessoa and if the package was taxed, then yes it is waiting at the post office. I am not sure at this time how much the tax is for the package, but that would be lovely to have money in my account. I think because the church will charge my account soon due to the garments. I don’t think it charged my account and maybe he can pay for it now and I will pay the mission back or him back.
I will be Skyping from the church. So something that we could do so we don’t have any awkward silences during Skype, we could do a little activity that could help us all improve.
This is for everyone that would be there during the Skype session.
- how could adapting your teaching or attitude to the necessities of the person you are talking to?
- how could inspired questions help a relationship or conversation?
- how can the attribute of listening help you?
- how can inviting others to make commitments help?
- how can bearing your testimony for someone help?
- and how can accompanying someone help?
(At this point I reminded Adam that we will not be lost for words and this is his brothers he is talking about – so this little lesson went out of the window)
…and yeah I know were talking about my brothers. It's questions that will make you think and maybe grow to be a better you within the family.
I have no idea what I will be doing tomorrow for Christmas Day and I get 60 dollars every 15-17 days to live on from the Church. I know that Mom has had a few people requesting to be her friend on Facebook just accept anyone who wants to be my friend on FB, just not Michael or Bruno lol. because they are weird and they weren’t baptized. Also, Last time you asked about ever being in a bad situation and I have never had anything bad happen to me on the mission.
Oh and tomorrow I will be Skyping at 5 p.m. here so it should be 1 p.m. there ~ don’t be late lol!!!
but love you.
elder adam jensen
A New Area
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2012 10:54:10 -0300
from: adj1991@myldsmail.net
So this past week...
This past week has been really good. I found out that the new missionaries in my last area will be baptizing the families on the 23rd of this month. I really hope they all go to church and commit to baptism. It sure is a blessing knowing people are willing to follow the path and be baptized. I think the only sad thing is when you prepare someone so well and they get baptized but they end up falling away. It’s just not sufficient being baptized and then not participating. We have to stay on the path, no matter what happens. People will always change but God will never change and we can always count on him. But anyways, this past week Elder Martins and I have been working with some great people. Except none of them were at church. But what can ya do...I guess just pray for the best. My area is a normal sized area. Has 4 neighborhoods, and it’s a relatively rich area.
We work pretty hard every day and the roads are all hills which is something I am not used to, but I am fine with it. Just means more of an exercise.
Right now I am the youngest in our house. Being 21. Others are 23, and 24. Ha embarrassing. But it’s all good. Today I will make curry for them. Our house is very nice actually. Small but pretty nice, and the weather here in João Pessoa is better than Mossoró. The ward is awesome so far, with a lot of inactive but that will change soon. I love trying to help a ward grow. My companion has been out for a year and 4 months I think. He leaves in august, and yeah we speak Portuguese all the time. I enjoy it, especially because in the beginning of my mission I spoke so much English. Portuguese is easy now, so it’s kind of like whatever I guess.
Maybe I will receive mail each week. it depends on the other elders in the house. and I don’t need new shoes; my shoes still look great for 10 months out. I haven’t received the package yet, as the mail doesn’t work like that. I would still have to wait for it to pass customs. I won’t waste the money and what is a national tax ID??
With my extra money I am buying garments right now. It’s super cheap in Brazil. I ordered 15 pairs of underwear which are about half the price here as in the USA like 23 reas or 11 dollars, they should be here for the first of January.
Thursday is our Christmas meeting, where we hear talks, trainings and games afterwards. With food and what not. I am excited to receive letters and packages on Thursday. It should be good. Yeah, that’s about all that happened and will soon happen.
We will email on Christmas eve and then Skype on Christmas Day Woo Hoo!
with love,
elder adam jensen
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